Less Waste, More Food with Thermomix®
Category: Cookbook
Multi-award winning cookbook in the Australian Gourmand Cookbook Awards 2022. While laden with beautiful, creative dishes and show-stopping food photography, Less Waste More Food with Thermomix® is more than just a cookbook. An official Thermomix® cookbook, Less Waste is a guide to enriching and enjoying a new low impact approach to food. You’ll learn how you cook, shop and plan your meals to use the whole ingredient and how, with Thermomix® on your kitchen bench, you can save time and money while you do so.
At the front of the book, you’ll find expert tips on how to deck out a low-waste kitchen, how to plan your pantry and shop and grow in season. We have even included sections on how to compost, no matter the space you have at hand, and setting up a ‘G-I-Y’ (Grow It Yourself garden, veggie patch or series of pots).
The recipe chapters are categorised by food groups rather than types of recipes, with the aim to help you plan your meals based on the ingredients you have on hand or what’s abundant and in-season. We’ve also included flavour combination inspiration and ideas for substituting out ingredients, as well as other delicious recipes to try out from Cookidoo® (our online recipe platform).
The chapters are:
- Pantry
- Eggs & dairy
- Fish & shellfish
- Vegetables
- Meat & poultry
- Fruit
The more we are able to cook from scratch and plan our meals with wholefood in mind, the more we find we organically buy less packaged foods. With Thermomix® in the kitchen and Less Waste to provide inspiration, you’ll have all you need to enjoy a greener approach to cooking and enjoying meals with your friends and family.
Individually, our incremental and conscious changes to our food choices all make a difference. But together, that’s where we really start to make a ripple and positively impact the legacy we’ll hand over to future generations. The creation of this book is our way of helping our community get a head-start and still enjoy deliciousness together, while knowing we are doing what we can to leave a greener footprint.
For further inspiration, take a look at our Thermomix® Australia and New Zealand YouTube Channel Less Waste playlist, where you’ll find videos from various experts amongst our community.